Sustainable development

RDÉE Canada and its members apply five sustainable development principles: social equity and solidarity, economic efficiency, environmental protection, participation and commitment, and responsible production and consumption. RDÉE Canada and its members have identified priority issues common to the Francophone and Acadian communities and the green economy:
  • Mobilize and engage key partners
  • Raise awareness in communities
  • Support the implementation of green economy projects

Brochure des projets en développement durable

Le RDÉE Canada et son réseau vous présentent sa brochure mettant en lumière les projets phares de nos membres partout au Canada. Objectifs verts!, ce sont plus de 40 initiatives déployées s'alignant sur les objectifs de développement durable de l'ONU.

Le RDÉE Canada et ses membres ont défini des enjeux prioritaires communs aux communautés francophones et acadienne et à l’économie verte :
  • Mobiliser et engager les partenaires clés
  • Sensibiliser les communautés
  • Appuyer la mise en oeuvre de projets en économie verte
RDÉE Canada is aware of the challenges of sustainable development, here and elsewhere, and is committed to aligning its issues with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
The shift to a green economy is a hot issue that requires innovation and a long-term vision. Within the Network, this concern is reflected in various initiatives to help the Francophone and Acadian communities think about this issue and explore sustainable initiatives.
Definition used by the United Nations Environment Program: A green economy is an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. In a green economy, growth in income and employment should be driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
In these videos, we present companies that are eco-responsible or that have integrated sustainable practices into their activities! All of these companies have been supported by a member of our network.
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Kaneshii Vinyl Press (Île-du-Prince-Édouard)
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Notre Dame Used Oil (Manitoba)
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JD Composites (Nouvelle-Écosse)
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Sustainable development: Interview with Laure Dupuy
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RDEE Econova

Guide de pratiques écoresponsables

Le 22 avril 2015, jour de la terre, le RDÉE Canada a lancé un guide de pratiques écoresponsables dont le but est d’encourager les entreprises et organismes communautaires canadiens à prendre le virage vert et à les accompagner dans cette démarche.​


Green economy awareness strategy

On June 5, 2016, International Environment Day, RDÉE Canada launched a green economy awareness strategy. The document suggests various green courses of action for the school environment, outlines the CEPEO's eco-responsible program, describes the program’s best practices and documents the lessons learned during its implementation.


Green team factsheet

A green team is a committee of employees who want to improve their environmental impact and that of their workplace. The committee will be supported by management and will report to a decision-maker. It will include, as much as possible, employees from different areas of the company (e.g., finance, administration, production and human resources).


Fiche éclair pour les dirigeants​

Une démarche environnementale en entreprise est spécifique à chacune. Trois pistes d’exploration sont proposées dans cette fiche éclair afin d’aider les dirigeants à identifier des actions précises et mesurables pour leur entreprise.


Planifier un avenir durable

Le RDÉE Canada a déposé un mémoire sur l’invitation du ministère de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique aux consultations en vue d’élaborer sa Stratégie fédérale de développement durable 2016-2019. Le RDÉE Canada et son Réseau recommandent 10 mesures à prendre pour favoriser l’émergence d’un développement véritablement durable à l’échelle canadienne.